Tuesday, July 9, 2019

The Navy Jumpsuit accessorized with a Gelato in winter, featuring the squeakiest trainers in modern history.

I've been on the hunt for a nice jumpsuit for YEARS. Every one I tried on would result in camel toe and an unflattering puckering around the crotch. For years I wondered, why can't I fit jumpsuits? How come everyone else looks so awesome in them? I even hauled a couple from ASOS, it was NOT pretty, I looked like a massive toddler. I think I was watching something with Trinny Woodall when she said how she had a long torso and short legs, a light bulb weent on! That's me and that's why I was having trouble finding jumpsuits, with a long torso there was not enough material in a jumpsuit. With a top you can pull it down, with pants they just sit a little lower, but an all in one needs to have that length in the crotch. So when I tried on this one at Just Jeans at Pacific Fair shopping center on the Gold Coast I couldn't check out fast enough. I didn't even bother trying on my normal size (NZ14) I just grabbed the 16 thinking a little extra room around the crotch couldn't hurt.

 I'd normally wear trainer socks so you can't see them poking out.

These Beau Coops trainers/sneakers (I call them my squeakers) are an online shopping kind of fail. I love how they look and from day one they were super comfortable. But as time has gone on they've become SO SQUEEKY, you should have heard them one hot day walking around Brisbane, I was very aware walking past people on the foot path! I've tried a few tricks to stop the squeaking that seemed to have mitigated it, but then I wore them on a day with some rain and they're back to being the squeakiest shoes anyone has ever heard. I did the baking powder trick, I've sprayed them with dry shampoo (seems quite effective) I've even started tying the laces one hook down. They continue to squeak all day every day. These were not cheap either, half price at $190 on sale at Sisters and co. I guess I'd always admired the Beau Coops brand, especially after they did a shoe collection with Karen Walker, so I was interested in buying something from the brand. I also wanted to upgrade my converse sneakers to a more "serious" pair of leather trainers, I should have perhaps guessed that converse are so popular for a reason. I'm not saying all Beau Coops shoes won't be good but these trainers in particular are super disappointing, if I hadn't spent a that much money on them I'd have moved them along a year ago.

This hat was NOT a shopping fail, it was a shopping STEAL. on sale for $6.75 ($29.99 retail) at Sportsgirl, it was hidden UNDER the sale table in a basket, I just happened to pull it out for a rummage and find a few of these hats. I've been on the hunt for a hat like this as as similar style I have is falling apart and having traveled a few places now it's not a pleasing hat shape any longer, plus it blows off in the wind! Hats are such a must here in Brisbane the sun is super bright and hot YEAR round. It's winter here and in the sun it's still 23 degrees celsuis (74 Fahrenheit)

Jumpsuit: Just Jeans $69.99 (6 months)
Trainers: Beau Coops $190 (Old)
Bag: Kate Spade - thrifted $25 (The Recycle Boutique)
Hat: Sportsgirl $6.75 (new)

Do you own a jumpsuit?

Does your body have any quirks that mean dressing seems a little more challenging?

♥ Paula Roving Style ♥